Major Library Directories, Gateways, and Search Facilities
NOTE: Major open access article and research product repositories with cost-free, full-text content appear on the Scholarly Papers and Articles page of this Virtual Library.
European Commission Library-- Central site maintained by the European Commission's unit responsible for libraries and European Documentation Centres, "an essential tool for librarians, documentalists and researchers working on European material." Find-eR is "a tool for searching multiple library resources in one interface. It includes the European Commission Library collections, plus millions of online full-text journal articles and eBooks." Also try the Commission's Publications page.
European Library--
"Designed to meet the needs of the research community
worldwide, our online portal offers quick and easy access
to the collections of the 48 National Libraries of Europe
and leading European Research Libraries."
Europeana-- "Explore 57,817,058 artworks, artefacts, books, films and music from European museums, galleries, libraries and archives... We want to build on Europe’s rich heritage and make it easier for people to use, whether for work, for learning or just for fun."
Virtual Catalog-- "Meta search interface for more
than 500 million books and serials in library and book
trade catalogs worldwide... which allows you to access
library and book trade catalogs online via Internet...
starts a simultaneous search in the catalogs and gives you
a standardized hit list."
Community Site-- Enter a search term to access
hundreds of thousands of bibliographic reference guides in
thousands of libraries around the world that use the
Springshare LibGuides system. Very useful.
LibWeb-- "Directory of
worldwide libraries, library catalogs and library
"directory of
libraries worldwide. Each listing includes links to the
library's website and online catalog [and also] the
geographic location, address, library type, current and
previous library automation systems used, and the size
of the library's collection."
Library Hub Discover-- Freely available library catalogue, giving access to the merged online catalogues of many major UK and Irish academic and National Libraries, as well as increasing numbers of specialist research libraries.
Open Library-- With the goal of "One
web page for every book ever published," a massive and
searchable cataloging project (since 2007) that provides
online access to millions of scanned versions of books and
links to external sources when scanned versions are not
By listing and linking all U.S. public, college, and
presidential library websites, this site "strives to
promote the use and support of local public libraries in
every city across the United States."
"National Union Catalogue, a single point of access to the
collections of libraries across Canada. Included are books,
magazines, maps, music, and more."
WorldCat-- "The largest library
network in the world. WorldCat libraries are dedicated to
providing access to their free resources on the Web, where
most people start their search for information... This Web
site lets you find an item of interest and then locate a
library near you that owns it." Also indicates location of
free and for-fee materials (such as books, music, and
videos) on the Internet-- a fine resource for materials in
many languages.
Selected Major Libraries
• Australian Libraries Gateway-- From the National Library of Australia, a directory of and access to the online catalogs of nearly all the academic, public, and special libraries in Australia, Australian publishers and booksellers, and Australian subject gateways. Use the NLA Trove facility to "find and get [hundreds of millions of] Australian and online resources: books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, archives and more."
• British
Library Website-- Online service of the British
Library, where you can "Explore the World's
Knowledge." There is a blog
• Dag Hammarskjöld Library-- From the United Nations Department of Public Information, with material available online. Of particular note are the United Nations Libraries Research Guides and U.N. Documentation: How to Find U.N. Documents, for an overview of the various types of U.N. documents and publications.
• Library and
Archives Canada-- "A key resource for
all Canadians who wish to gain a better
understanding of who they are, individually and
collectively. LAC acquires, processes, preserves and
provides access to our documentary heritage and
serves as the continuing memory of the Government of
Canada and its institutions."
Library of the London School of
Economics and Political Science-- "The
working Library of the London School of Economics
and Political Science and one of the largest
libraries in the world devoted to the economic and
social sciences." Note especially the many papers
posted at LSE Research Online, "a
[searchable] collection of research produced by
LSE academics: articles, working papers, book
chapters, conference papers and more."
• Library of
the United Nations Office at Geneva-- Site
allows access to information on Library holdings
(searchable online catalog), recent acquisitions,
archives, bibliographies, publications,
e-resources, U.N. system resources, special events,
and more.
• U.S.
Library of Congress site has a wealth of useful
online resources. Try the Research
and Reference Services page and the Online
Catalog. The Gateway to Library Catalogs allows
access to and search of the Library of Congress catalog,
plus links to many academic and national libraries. Note
the Open Access
Book Collection, "a growing online collection of
contemporary open access e-books," and the many helpful
Research Guides. For
ongoing updates, consult the Library
of Congress blogs. Note, for bibliographic
purposes, that the Library has posted online a huge free
dataset of its holdings,
"including books, serials, computer files, manuscripts,
maps, music and visual materials."
There is an extensive archive of websites.