News and
Blogs about Latin America and the Caribbean
News Sources in
English on Latin America and the Caribbean--
(Peru), Ecuador Times, MercoPress
(Southern Cone), Buenos Aires Times, Folha
de São Paulo (Brazil), Rio
Times (Brazil), Agencia Brasil, Mexico News Daily, Mexico City Post, El Faro (Central America), Tico
Times (Costa Rica), Costa Rica Star, QCosta Rica,
El Nuevo Dia (Puerto Rico), The
Gleaner (Jamaica), Jamaica Observer,
Today (Dominican Republic), Colombia Reports, Stabroek
News (Guyana), Google
News, BBC, CNN, Christian
Science Monitor, Washington
Post, New
York Times, Los Angeles Times, Miami
Herald, Associated Press,
Reuters Americas,
Guardian, Al Jazeera, Latin America News Dispatch
Insightful Blogs about Latin
America and the Caribbean-- Latin
America and Caribbean (World Bank), Latin America
Brief (Foreign Policy), Brookings
Institution, Latin America Reports, AULA Blog,
Chronicles, Mexico
Portal (Wilson Center), Inter-American
Dialogue, LAB News (Latin America
Bureau, UK), Latin American Post,
Development Bank
Sources about Latin America and the Caribbean
• Americas
Quarterly-- "The only magazine dedicated to policy
analysis and debate of economics, finance, social
development, and politics in the Western Hemisphere... The
editorial mission is to engage a new generation of
political, economic and social leaders in a discussion of
future policy alternatives and to provide a forum for the
exchange of ideas." Posts some current content cost-free.
• Americas
Society and Council of the Americas-- Joint website
for, respectively, the "the premier forum dedicated to
education, debate, and dialogue in the Americas," and "the
premier international business organization whose members
share a common commitment to economic and social
development, open markets, the rule of law, and democracy
throughout the Western Hemisphere." Posts news, analysis,
and videos by topics, countries, and other categories.
Note the 2022 Capacity to
Combat Corruption Index.
• Handbook of Latin
American Studies-- From the Hispanic Division of the
United States Library of Congress, this is an annual
multidisciplinary bibliography on Latin America,
consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars,
and online as a thoroughly searchable database, from
Volume 1 (1935) to date. An excellent resource.
• H-Caribbean-- Member of the H-Net
Humanities & Social Sciences Online initiative,
"sponsored by the Association of Caribbean Historians,"
aiming to overcome "fragmentation that has traditionally
characterized the field and region... provide access to
debates and discussions on Caribbean studies, act as a
resource to academics teaching and researching in
associated fields [and] serve to reinforce the growing
awareness of the region as an important and rich area for
further research and study."
• H-LatAm-- "International forum for
the scholarly discussion of Latin American History. It is
a member of the H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences
Online initiative and affiliated with the Conference On
Latin American History."
• InSight-- Aims
to "increase the level of research, analysis and
investigation on organized crime in Latin America and the
Caribbean... connects the pieces, the players and
organizations and gives a cohesive look of the region’s
criminal enterprises and the effectiveness of the
initiatives designed to stop them." News and analysis.
• Inter-American Commission on Human
Rights-- From "one of two bodies in the
inter-American system for the promotion and protection of
human rights," information on the Commission and about
human rights issues in the Western Hemisphere, published
as yearly reports, country reports, and in other formats.
• Inter-American
Development Bank--
Many authoritative working papers, reports, statistics,
and databases online concerning a wide range of social,
economic, and political matters in specific countries and
in the whole region of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Publications page and the Felipe
Herrera Library are good starting points.
• Inter-American Dialogue-- "The
leading U.S. center for policy analysis, exchange, and
communication on issues in Western Hemisphere affairs. The
Dialogue brings together public and private leaders from
across the Americas to address hemispheric problems and
opportunities." Various types of publications online.
• Inter-American Press Association--
Prestigious "non-profit organization dedicated to
defending freedom of expression and of the press
throughout the Americas." Reports, press releases, and
news on press freedom in the countries of the Western
Hemisphere and related information.
• Knight
Center for Journalism in the Americas-- At the
University of Texas at Austin, this Center posts news and
analysis on journalism in Latin America and the Caribbean
and offers a blog on journalism in the Americas.
• Latin
America Bureau-- UK organization whose "detailed,
consistent analysis draws together the continent’s wealth
of campaigns, voices and stories, making sense of them in
a wider context and charting the progress and reverses in
issues such as human rights, climate change, democratic
governance, extractive industries, land distribution and
food production." Note the e-library for
online research.
• Latin America Working Group-- "Coalition of over sixty [U.S.] religious, human rights, policy, grassroots and development organizations... striving for U.S. policies that promote peace, justice and sustainable development in the region." Online news, policy analysis reports, and general studies.
• Latin American Economic System (SELA)--
Regional, economic integration-focused IGO, with reports,
bulletins, articles, database, and other publications
online, many in English.
• Latin American Program of the Woodrow
Wilson International Center for Scholars-- A
"nonpartisan forum in Washington, D.C. to discuss Latin
American and Caribbean issues and to bring these issues to
the attention of opinion leaders and policy makers
throughout the hemisphere" through "public
forums...independent research and...residential
fellowships to distinguished scholars and senior
policymakers." Site posts information on the Program, many
of its publications, event summaries, and media files.
Note especially the many postings of the Mexico
Institute and the Brazil
• Latin American Public Opinion Project-- From Vanderbilt University, "databases of public opinion information about political viewpoints across Latin America," collected over decades on topics related to democracy, such as "system support, political tolerance, citizen participation, local government, corruption, and views on authoritarianism." This large site posts and links to many analytical studies from the polls and makes data sets available. Note especially the Americas Barometer, a survey of political, economic, and social attitudes in the region.
• Latinobarómetro--
"Non-profit NGO based in Santiago, Chile [that] researches
the development of democracy and economies as well as
societies, using indicators of opinion, attitudes,
behaviour and values. Its results are used by social and
political actors, international organizations, governments
and the media." English language version of site is
available. Posts cost-free online its excellent annual
surveys and reports about democracy in Latin America, as
well as some other analytical products.
• Organization of American States--
This principal international organization of the Western
Hemisphere posts many documents and much information,
analysis, and statistical data. Extensive resources are
found in the Foreign Trade Information System,
with information, statistics, and documents about
hemispheric integration, trade trends in the Western
Hemisphere, and links to further data.
• Pew
Hispanics/Latinos-- "Non-partisan research
organization supported by The Pew Charitable Trusts. Its
mission is to improve understanding of the U.S. Hispanic
population and to chronicle Latinos’ growing impact on the
entire nation." Authoritative source for online data and
public opinion surveys about the demography, economics,
education, and identity of the U.S. Hispanic population.
• Plataforma Democrática--
Hosts a Virtual Library whose "holdings consist of a
specialized collection of works about democracy [and about
the information society] in Latin America... with free
access to the library’s twenty thousand titles, which may
be queried by author or by title keywords." Searchable in
several languages for full-text publications. This
research institute also posts its own publications.
• Political
Database of the Americas-- From Georgetown
University and in four languages, over 1500 pages of "centralized and systematized information
about institutions and political processes, national
constitutions, branches of government, elections,
political constitutional studies and other subjects
related to the strengthening of democracy in the region."
• ReVista-- From the David Rockefeller
Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University, a
free analytical and themed magazine about the region,
published three times yearly, with archives back to Fall
• United Nations Economic Commission for
Latin America and the Caribbean-- News, information,
many statistics, and many online reports are available
free in full-text from this United Nations regional
organization. Great source for high quality online
economic information about Latin America, including the
annual Social Panorama of Latin America. Note the
Databases and Statistical Publications
• Washington Office on Latin America--
A leading advocate for human rights, democracy, and social
and economic justice in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Coverage and analysis of topics including U.S. legislation
and policy, country and regional situations, military aid,
and key current issues, with online publications.
• World Bank Latin American and Caribbean--
Full-text papers, discussion notes, and reports on
economic, environmental, and social issues in Latin
America and the Caribbean today.