Principal Libraries, Databases,
Networks, and Directories about Peace,
Conflict, and Security
NOTE: Also check the many
relevant links in the United States Government Information
Sources, American Foreign Policy, International
Relations Journals and Magazines, and Research
Institutes sections of this Web site, among
Insightful Blogs on Peace, Conflict
Resolution, and Security Issues-- Small
Wars Journal, Peace
Insight, Political
Violence @ a Glance, Center
for Security Studies (Zurich)
Center for Security Studies-- World-class clearinghouse for resources in
the field of security and defense studies, peace and
conflict research, and international relations, with a publications section, as well
as datasets and graphics. "The world’s leading open access
information service for international relations and
security professionals," from the Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology, Zurich.
START-- At the University of Maryland, a "research and education center comprised of an international network of scholars committed to the scientific study of the causes and human consequences of terrorism in the United States and around the world," with many publications on the topic. Its Global Terrorism Database is "an open-source [searchable] database including information on domestic and international terrorist attacks around the world from 1970 through 2020, and now includes more than 200,000 cases."
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute-- One of the foremost institutes of its type in the world, specializing in the collection and analysis of data on weapons developments, arms transfers and production, and military expenditure, as well as on arms limitations, reductions and disarmament. They have outstanding publications, plus several databases of information on those topics.
Conflict Data Program-- From Uppsala University's Department
of Peace and Conflict Research, "information on a
large number of aspects of armed violence [and
peacemaking] since 1946," in the form of widely-referenced
downloadable databases, a Conflict Encyclopaedia,
definitions of concepts, country profiles, maps, charts,
graphs, and publications.
Other Sources about Peace, Conflict, and Security
• Arms Control Association-- National
nonpartisan membership organization promoting public
understanding of and support for effective arms control
policies, with online fact sheets, papers, full-text
documents, arms control briefings, subject and country
directories, and the journal Arms Control
• Bonn International Center for Conversion--
Clearinghouse on practical conversion experiences and
projects, to support and promote the process by which
resources are shifted from the military or the defense
sector towards civilian purposes. Posts many online free
"reports, briefs, and papers which analyze the
international conversion process, report on conversion
projects and experiences, and offer scientific as well as
practical know-how."
• British American Security Information
Council-- An independent research organization that
analyzes government policies in defense, disarmament,
military strategy, and nuclear issues. Many analytical
studies online.
• Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists--
Focus on "global security issues, especially the
continuing dangers posed by nuclear and other weapons of
mass destruction, and the appropriate roles of nuclear
technology." Online copies of parts of the Bulletin,
the famous nuclear Doomsday Clock, and other information
about international security and nuclear issues.
• Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace-- Conducts
programs of research, discussion, publication, and
education in international affairs and U.S. foreign
policy, and publishes the quarterly journal Foreign
Policy. The Carnegie Endowment has other centers
with diverse publications in Europe, the Middle East,
India, and China.
• Center for International Policy--
Policy organization in Washington, D.C. "promoting a U.S.
foreign policy based on international cooperation,
demilitarization and respect for basic human rights."
Posts reports and a newsletter on human rights,
international security, and conflict resolution issues. Their Security
Assistance Monitor "documents all publicly
accessible information on U.S. security and defense
assistance programs throughout the world, including arms
sales, military and police aid, training programs,
exercises, exchanges, bases and deployments."
• Center for Systemic
Peace-- "Engaged in innovative research on the
problem of political violence within the structural
context of the dynamic global system... supports
scientific research and quantitative analysis in many
issue areas related to the fundamental problems of
violence in both human relations and societal-systemic
development processes," with the goal of "minimizing the
resort to and the effects of political violence in the
world as a whole." Posts many studies, data, and graphics
on the topic, including global trend analysis and the Global
Report series.
• Clingendael Conflict Research Unit-- Part of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, focusing on the study of intrastate conflict and conflict management, especially in the developing world. Studies, papers, and seminar proceedings are online.
• Council on
Foreign Relations-- The most influential private
organization in U.S. foreign policy, whose ranks include
nearly all past and present senior U.S. government
officials who deal with international matters, renowned
scholars, and leaders of business, media, human rights,
humanitarian, and other nongovernmental groups. The Center for Preventative Action posts
a Global
Conflict Tracker map and highlights "conflicts
to watch" and "what to worry about" in annual
• Country Reports on Terrorism-- U.S. Department of State yearly reports on terrorism around the world, submitted to the U.S. Congress, with Archive of past reports.
• Federation of American Scientists-- A policy organization whose Board of Sponsors includes over 55 American Nobel Laureates, FAS is engaged in analysis and advocacy in science, technology, and public policy for global security. Note the different programs, such as the Intelligence Resource Program. FAS posts links to the excellent Congressional Research Service Reports on international security issues.
• Fund for Peace-- Non-profit research
and educational NGO whose mission is "to prevent war and
alleviate the conditions that cause war" by specializing
in "the diagnosis and resolution of conflicts associated
with weak and failing states and on foreign policy
responses." Many insightful publications are posted,
including analytical reports, the annual Fragile
States Index, and country profiles.
• Geneva Centre for Security
Policy-- "International foundation established in
1995 with 46 member states for the primary purpose of
promoting peace, security and stability through executive
education, research and dialogue." Posts studies on global
and regional security issues.
• Institute for Economics and Peace--
From Sidney, Australia, "aims to create a paradigm shift
in the way the world thinks about peace... by developing
global and national indices, calculating the economic cost
of violence, analysing country level risk and fragility,
and understanding Positive Peace." Note especially the
Global Peace Index.
• Institute for Science and International
Security-- Non-partisan research organization that
provides technical analyses of nuclear weapons programs
around the world, promoting nuclear transparency and
government accountability, and strengthening international
efforts to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. Online
publications, country studies, satellite imagery, and
mailing list.
• International Campaign to Ban Landmines--
Information on the landmines issue and the campaign
against them. Note especially the extensive Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor
reports, country profiles, and other data.
• International Crisis Group--
"Independent, non-profit, multinational organisation...
working through field-based analysis and high-level
advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict." Quality
factual and analytical information on crisis spots in
reports, briefings, and databases. Offers CrisisWatch,
a bulletin on "all the most significant situations of
conflict or potential conflict around the world."
• International Institute for Counter-Terrorism-- Based in Israel, this site is a comprehensive resource on international terrorism and counter-terrorism, featuring an extensive database on terrorist organizations and attacks, news updates, and many articles and studies on international terrorism.
• International Peace
Institute-- "Independent, international
not-for-profit think tank with a staff representing more
than 20 nationalities, located in New York across from
United Nations headquarters... dedicated to promoting the
prevention and settlement of conflicts between and within
states by strengthening international peace and security
institutions." Many publications and videos on that topic.
• Interpeace-- "Independent, international peacebuilding organization and strategic partner of the United Nations... [to] bring together governments, multilateral and UN agencies, and experts to analyze the latest in peacebuilding trends... [and] combine our local peacebuilding knowledge with the latest in international thinking to assist the international community, including the United Nations, to play a more effective role in supporting peacebuilding efforts around the world." Much information and analysis on peacebuilding.
• James
Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies-- "Strives to combat
the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by
training the next generation of nonproliferation
specialists and disseminating timely information and
analysis... [and is] the largest nongovernmental
organization in the United States devoted exclusively to
research and training on nonproliferation issues." Posts
studies on general and headline topics, including videos.
• Nonviolent and Violent Campaigns and
Outcomes-- From the Weatherhead Center for
International Affairs at Harvard, collects "systematic
[global] data on both violent insurgencies and nonviolent
civil resistance campaigns... excluded to those seeking to
overthrow an incumbent government, expel a foreign
military occupation, or secede... [allowing] users to
study trends in the onset and outcomes of mass
mobilizations over time and across regions; patterns of
participation in mass movements; patterns of repression
against mass movements; and various other dynamics within
the movements."
• North Atlantic Treaty Organization-- NATO is attempting to participate in the development of cooperative security structures for the whole of Europe. This site has a complete archive of all official documents and both general and specific NATO publications. Note the NATO Review magazine. The NATO Defense College posts publications and studies on topics related to the alliance.
• Norwegian
Centre for Conflict Resolution-- "Independent
foundation established to integrate knowledge, experience,
and critical reflection into and thereby strengthen
peacebuilding policy and practice." Posts many insightful
publications on international issues, from "the gathering
and sharing of timely information and analysis by
commissioning and publishing research carried out by
experts in their fields..."
• Nuclear Threat Initiative-- Founded
by Ted Turner and former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn, "to
strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and
preventing the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical
weapons." Site posts a WMD news service, tutorials,
country surveys, maps, policy papers, documents, media
materials, and databases.
• Peace
Insight-- "The leading online resource for local
peacebuilding around the world. We work with 28 local
peace experts to highlight the work of 1670 local
peacebuilding organizations in 45 areas of conflict... We provide a vital network
that connects peacebuilders with international actors
and organizations—and with each other." Posts reports on peacebuilding topics.
• Peace
Research Institute Frankfurt-- The largest such
institute in Germany, its "work is directed towards
identifying the causes of violent international and
internal conflicts, carrying out research into the
conditions necessary for peace, understood as a process of
decreasing violence and increasing justice, and spreading
the concepts of peace," including through policy
consulting. Posts many studies on these topics.
• Peace
Research Institute Oslo-- "Independent research
institution known for its effective synergy of basic and
policy-relevant research... conducts graduate training and
is engaged in the promotion of peace through conflict
resolution, dialogue and reconciliation, public
information and policymaking activities." Posts
publications and studies. Note the Mapping
Arms Data visualization project.
• Pugwash Conferences on Science and World
Affairs-- International scientific organization
dedicated to eliminating nuclear weapons and war, reducing
the danger of armed conflict, and seeking cooperative
solutions for global problems. Features reports and
statements, videos, publications on key global security
issues including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons,
regional conflict, and science and society.
• Royal United Services Institute--
World-class "independent think tank engaged in cutting
edge defence and security research," in London, with
expertise "utilised by governments, parliament and other
key stakeholders." Posts authoritative studies online--
"rigorous, expert and objective analysis of current trends
and developments"-- some free and some for members only.
• Saferworld--
non-governmental organisation [based in the UK] that works
to prevent and reduce violent conflict and promote
cooperative approaches to security... through advocacy,
research and policy development and through supporting the
actions of others." Posts "research reports, briefing
papers, articles and training packs."
• Small Arms Survey Project-- From the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, a multinational effort to spread information and analysis about the proliferation of small arms and light weapons around the world. Many publications and resources online, including the annual Small Arms Survey.
• Stratfor
Worldview-- From the security risk and opportunity
management consulting firm for businesses and other
organizations. The highest-quality content is by
subscription, but numerous insightful forecasts and
analyses are available in full or excerpted form,
• United Nations Institute for Disarmament
Research-- This UN organization provides
information, summaries, and some full-text results of its
research on nuclear, biological, chemical, missile, small
arms, landmine, peacekeeping, and education issues. Also
note the United Nations Office of
Disarmament Affairs (publishes a yearbook) and its Disarmament Education
• United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime--
Much news, information, and analysis on illicit drugs,
drug abuse, drug trafficking, organized crime, criminal
justice, terrorism, corruption, and human trafficking.
Note the annual "World Drug Report."
• United Nations Peacekeeping
Operations-- Much information on current and
completed missions, from the United Nations Department of
Peacekeeping Operations.
• United
States Institute of Peace-- The mission of the USIP is to strengthen
the nation's capabilities to promote the peaceful
resolution of international conflicts. Institute project
reports, briefings, event summaries, and news items are
available online, with archives and extensive links on
conflict topics. Note the Publications section. Peace Terms is an "extensive
glossary [that] provides short definitions of a wide
range of complex and often confusing terms used in the
field of conflict resolution."
• Vision
of Humanity-- Non-profit research organization
dedicated to shifting the world’s focus to peace as a
positive, achievable, and tangible measure of human
well-being. Their Global Peace Index is the world’s
leading measure of peacefulness; it uses 23 qualitative
and quantitative indicators to measure peace in over 160
countries worldwide. Their peace research also includes a
series of global and national peace indices, including
the Global Terrorism Index.